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Dental Implants — Lewisville, TX

Replace Lost Teeth from the Roots Up

Older man with dental implants in Lewisville smiling in his homeLosing teeth (whether it’s just one or several) can have serious consequences for your oral health and day-to-day quality of life. Suddenly, even simple, enjoyable activities like eating a favorite lunch or joking with friends can become embarrassing and awkward. At Capehart Dental, our team offers multiple reconstructive services that can help you regain the complete, reliable smile you deserve, and dental implants in Lewisville are right at the top of the list. Are you ready for your first consultation? Contact our Lewisville, TX location today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Capehart. We’re always happy to welcome new patients from other nearby communities too.

Why Choose Capehart Dental for Dental Implants?

  • Partners with Local Dental Implant Specialists
  • Replace Any Number of Teeth with Personalized Restorations
  • In-Office Savings and Third-Party Financing Available

What Are Dental Implants?

Diagram of an integrated dental implant in Lewisville

A dental implant is a tooth replacement solution made up of a titanium post, a restoration, and an abutment, which is a small connector that attaches the crown, bridge, or denture to their dedicated implant(s). They are the only tooth replacement option that involves replacement of the tooth root, which cannot be said for traditional bridges and dentures. This means you can expect a level of functionality, appearance, reliability, and longevity that you won’t get from other methods of tooth replacement. It’s the same reason why dentists will typically recommend them first to patients who are eligible, especially if severe tooth loss is present.

The Dental Implant Process

Diagram highlighting how dental implants works in Lewisville

No matter how many teeth you intend to replace, the process you’ll go through maintains four unique steps: initial consultation, surgery, abutment and osseointegration, and final restoration. Our team will go over these with you in detail beforehand so you know exactly what to expect from the start of your tooth replacement process to the moment your smile is complete. To learn more about the detailed steps of your treatment, you can call our office or continue below.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Implant dentist in Lewisville speaking with a patient

When you arrive at our practice for your appointment, Dr. Capehart will sit down with you and have a one-on-one conversation directly to discuss your needs and expectations. He’ll perform a detailed exam to confirm your eligibility to receive dental implants, which typically includes digital X-rays to evaluate your bone health. If you have any preexisting conditions or take any medications, please let us know during this visit. If he determines that you are a likely candidate for dental implant surgery, he’ll refer you to our team to have an appointment for surgery scheduled at a later date.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentists placing dental implants in Lewisville

After determining that you’re a good candidate for dental implants, Dr. Capehart will recommend you to a trusted specialist in the Lewisville area who can handle the surgical portion of your procedure. The new implant will need to be placed within the jawbone so that the patient’s natural tissue can gradually form a bond with it. At the beginning of surgery, the doctor starts by numbing the treatment area with local anesthetic to remove any and all sensations during the procedure. Then, a small incision is created in the gum tissue so a tiny hole can be produced in the jawbone. This is where the titanium post will be housed. Next, the tissue is stitched closed so the implant can fuse with the jawbone.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

Diagram showing how dental implants work in Lewisville

One of the most important parts of ensuring a long-term tooth replacement is confirming the implant has begun the osteointegration process. This months-long step creates a solid and enduring foundation for replacement teeth, whether it be individual crowns or complex implant dentures. Once your implants have healed, any needed abutments will be attached before taking images and impressions of your mouth. The abutments provide additional stability to the restorations, creating a strong foundation that lasts for decades.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s)

Restorations for dental implants in Lewisville attached to model

Once your mouth has successfully healed, it’s time for the design, creation, and placement of new “teeth” here in Lewisville. Dr. Capehart will be sure to take your personal preferences and goals into account when planning the ideal restoration; several options are available, including individual, all-ceramic dental crowns and implant dentures or bridges that cover multiple implants at once. No matter which you choose, the final result should be the same – a complete smile that looks and feels virtually indistinguishable from the original.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Older couple with dental implants in Lewisville smiling and hugging

Dentists in the U.S. place more than 5 million dental implants each year. Why is this treatment so popular? Both oral health professionals and patients agree — no other tooth replacement option can measure up to implants. They have the potential to improve your day-to-day life, support your health, and provide you with decades of function. Below, you will find more information about the many benefits of dental implants in Lewisville.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Senior woman enjoying an apple with the help of dental implants

Some noteworthy ways in which dental implants in Lewisville can improve your day-to-day life include:

  • The ability to eat almost anything. Dental implants provide a chewing force that is almost as strong as what you would enjoy with natural teeth. Thus, you can eat almost any food without taking special precautions. From corn on the cob to juicy meats and everything in between, feel free to indulge in your favorites!
  • No slipping and sliding. Dental implants are extremely secure in the mouth. Therefore, you will not have to worry about embarrassing slippage while you are eating and speaking. This can increase your confidence in social situations.
  • Clear speech. Clear speech depends on complex interactions between the tongue and teeth. The stability of dental implants means that you can rely on them to help you enunciate sounds properly.
  • Easy oral hygiene. In many ways, caring for dental implants is similar to caring for natural teeth.

Health Benefits

Mature professional woman smiling while sitting at table

Some ways in which dental implants can bolster your health include:

  • Jawbone preservation. After the natural teeth are extracted, the jawbone begins to deteriorate. Eventually, the deterioration can become so severe that it affects a person’s facial shape. Dental implants act as substitute tooth roots, so they can help to keep your jawbone strong and whole.
  • A balanced diet. Research indicates that people who wear traditional dentures experience a decline in important nutritional markers. Dental implants can allow you to eat a wide variety of foods that support your overall wellness.
  • Protection for other teeth. Implants prevent dental drift. Plus, placing them usually does not require that nearby teeth be modified. They can thereby help the natural part of your smile to remain as healthy as possible.

Long-Term Benefits

Portrait of smiling mature man against blue background

You can begin to experience the benefits of dental implants soon after you get them, and you may continue to reap advantages for many years. Long-term benefits of this treatment include:

  • Dental implants have an extraordinarily high success rate, even 10 years after placement. With proper care, they have the potential to last a lifetime.
  • A great value. Dental implants cost more upfront than traditional forms of tooth replacement. However, they last for so long that they are actually a great monetary value. If you calculate their cost per day over a few decades, they work out to be quite affordable!
  • A possible increase in longevity. Tooth loss is associated with a shortened life expectancy. Dental implants may be able to help you live the longest, healthiest life possible.

Are you ready to learn how this treatment may be able to benefit you personally? Contact your implant dentist in Lewisville today to schedule a consultation.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Older man with dental implants in Lewisville smiling outside

It does not matter how many teeth you are missing; there’s a likely chance that you are eligible to receive dental implants! Their versatility enables people with varying degrees of tooth loss to rebuild their smile through this modern solution. Of course, you will need to meet a few requirements, which we can explain in more detail during your consultation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Woman receiving exam from an implant dentist in Lewisville

If you are a healthy adult, you’re probably a candidate for dental implants already. In order to receive them safely, we will look for the following attributes during your initial consultation:

  • Great Oral Health – If you have any existing dental disease (i.e. tooth decay, gum disease), you’ll need to have them addressed before you can receive dental implants.
  • Positive Overall Health – Since placing dental implants is a surgical procedure, it’s important to speak with your primary care doctor to confirm you can receive it safely.
  • Sufficient jawbone density – If you don’t have enough bone tissue inside your jaw, we may recommend a bone graft first.

In the event you cannot get dental implants right now, we’ll help you create a long-term treatment plan complete with preparatory services designed to make dental implants viable later!

Missing One Tooth

Single dental implants utilize one titanium post that sits inside of the jaw and a dedicated crown that attaches on top. Since the implant has fused with the jawbone over several months, it’s sturdy enough to hold the crown without any issue. Additionally, we won’t need to remove any existing tooth enamel from nearby teeth just to keep the crown in place. That means you can retain as much of your natural tooth structure, a benefit you won’t get with traditional dental bridges.

Missing Multiple Teeth

If you have multiple consecutive missing teeth, we can use a pair of dental implants to support a larger dental bridge to fill in the gaps of your smile. The implants are placed adjacent to your natural teeth, then a pair of abutments are attached so they can hold a customized implant bridge. If you are interested in receiving a partial denture, we’ll place implants as they are needed throughout the mouth.

Missing All Teeth

You don’t have to settle for a traditional denture if you don’t want to, even if you’re missing all teeth in your upper, lower, or both arches. Instead, you can receive an implant denture that attaches to a series of implants strategically placed throughout the mouth. As a result, you won’t need a dedicated implant for each tooth you need to replace. For example, a full arch can typically be held with four to six implants. Of course, this will depend on the condition of your existing bone tissue.

Learn More About Implant Dentures Learn More About All-on-4 Dental Implants

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant in Lewisville on a stack of money

Dr. Capehart wants his patients to have access to all the information they need to make an informed, confident decision in their tooth replacement. No two smiles are the same, which is why it’s difficult to provide you with a precise estimate. However, we’ve included the factors that influence the cost of your dental implants most to help you understand the total price.

Types of Dental Implants

Diagram of dental implants in Lewisville

We offer different types of dental implants based on the number of teeth that you’re missing. For a single missing tooth, we can use an implant-retained crown to seamlessly complete your smile. If you’re missing multiple teeth consecutively, an implant bridge can literally “bridge” the gap. Lastly, if you’ve lost all or most of your teeth, we can combine dental implants with dentures for the most stable full smile replacement. As you can imagine, typically the more teeth that you need replaced, the higher your overall cost will be.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

Older man with dental implants in Lewisville smiling

Dental implants in Lewisville often come with a higher price tag than other treatments, however, their unique benefits make them well worth it. In fact, with proper care, dental implants can last for a lifetime, which may actually save you money in the long run. Plus, they are the only replacement that stimulates the jawbone to prevent it from deteriorating after tooth loss, keeping your facial appearance looking full and youthful. They also look, feel, and function just like your natural smile!

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dentist explaining cost of dental implants in Lewisville to patient

Usually, most dental insurance providers don’t cover dental implants because the treatment is seen as elective. However, your insurance may be able to cover certain aspects of the process like your initial consultation, treatment of preexisting issues, and part of your restoration—this will all depend on your specific plan. The only way to know your cost with certainty is to schedule an appointment with our dentist in Lewisville. Dr. Capehart will carefully examine your smile before developing a personalized treatment plan that includes your cost.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

a patient visiting dentist due to failed dental implant

While dental implants have an extremely high success rate of 95% or more, there’s still an incredibly small chance of failure. Though rare, if you begin to feel like your brand-new teeth are feeling uncomfortable or the implant itself is becoming loose, you’ll want to visit our team for dental implant salvage treatment. The sooner we’re able to address the underlying issue, the quicker you’ll be able to return to enjoying your full bite again.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Woman holding a toothbrush and smiling

One of the best aspects of dental implants is their remarkable ability to last for decades. They can actually provide you with a whole lifetime of sturdy function and realistic aesthetics – but only if you take proper care of them. Fortunately, maintaining your dental implants in Lewisville is not that difficult. Below, we have listed three of the most important steps you can take in ensuring your new smile lasts.

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

Older man with dental implants in Lewisville brushing his teeth

Without a proper oral hygiene routine, bacteria could infect the area supporting your implants, ultimately increasing your risk of implant failure and other painful complications. Here are some easy tips to help you keep your mouth clean and drastically reduce your risk of infection:

  • Brush twice a day. Always brush along the gumline and the backs of your teeth, both your real ones and those supported by implants.
  • Floss at least once daily. For patients with an implant bridge, you may need to invest in a water flosser or floss threader to effectively clean around your restoration.
  • Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash. Dr. Capehart may be able to recommend a product tailored to your specific oral health needs.
  • Stay hydrated. By drinking plenty of water, you should produce plenty of saliva to rinse away bacteria that might otherwise compromise your implants.

Protect Your Dental Implants

A man placing a nightguard into his mouth

Trauma or injury might damage your restoration or the implant itself, or even cause the implant post to become loose. To lessen the likelihood of these instances occurring, you should:

  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth. The pressure of unconscious teeth grinding can place undue stress on your implants as well as your natural teeth.
  • Wear a mouthguard if you play sports. Even if your choice of physical activity is not a “contact sport,” you should still protect your smile from trauma.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Slipping and falling could spell disaster for your smile. Always walk carefully and be cognizant of your surroundings.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Implant dentist in Lewisville pointing at an X-ray with patient

No matter how many natural teeth you have left, it’s still massively beneficial to attend checkups and cleanings with your dentist in Lewisville on a regular basis, usually at least twice a year. At these appointments, your remaining teeth will be inspected and cleaned, and your implants will be evaluated. Dr. Capehart may be able to detect problems early enough that they won’t damage your implant or overall oral health. Not to mention, you’ll always leave our office with that nice, clean mouth feeling!

Dental Implant FAQs

Thinking woman holding her chin with her hand

At Capehart Dental, we often recommend dental implants after tooth loss because they’re the next best thing to natural teeth. But since the process is unfamiliar to many people, it’s understandable to have a few questions before making a decision. If you’d like more information about dental implants in Lewisville, keep reading for answers to several common FAQs below. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if there’s anything else you’d like to know!

What Happens If I Wait To Get Dental Implants?

The timing of your dental work is always your decision, and it’s not uncommon for people to need to postpone a procedure. With that said, you should be aware that the jawbone that once surrounded the root of your tooth begins to deteriorate as soon as the tooth is lost. If enough time passes, you may not have enough bone left to support an implant.

However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to get an implant down the road. What it does mean is you might need a bone graft beforehand. This procedure adds bone tissue back to your jaw so it can provide the necessary support for an implant once again.

Is It Painful to Get Dental Implants?

It’s easy to see why dental implant surgery seems painful. The good news is people commonly say it was much easier than they expected! In fact, if you’ve ever had an extraction, you can expect a similar recovery period and overall level of discomfort.

Also, keep in mind that the specialist who places your implant will start by fully numbing the area to make sure you stay comfortable. They’ll also have sedation options available so that even anxious patients can comfortably get dental implants.

Can Dental Implants Fail?

Yes, but with a long-term success rate of over 95%, failure is relatively rare. When it does occur, one of the following factors is often involved:  

  • Smoking – Smokers have a significantly lower success rate of around 85%.
  • Gum disease – Just like your own teeth, implants must be surrounded by strong, healthy gum tissue for strength and support. If gum disease develops around an implant and isn’t treated in time, it can cause it to become loose and eventually fail.
  • Clenching and grinding – If you clench and grind at night, wearing a custom-made nightguard can prevent damage to both your implant and natural teeth.
  • Poor oral hygiene – After getting an implant, it’s crucial to see us for regular checkups and cleanings and maintain good oral hygiene habits at home. The cleaner you keep the area around your implant, the more likely it is to last a lifetime.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Dental implants are completely safe. They’re made from bio-compatible, surgical-grade titanium, which is also used in knee and hip replacements. Also, dental implants have been safely used over the last several decades to restore the smiles of countless people. Today, an estimated 5 million dental implants are placed every year.